The Bumhampton Chronicles: Chapter 8 (Part 3)

Humming happily, I skipped to breakfast, my toes tapping a brisk jig across the runner in servant’s hall leading to the dining area off the kitchen. Curbing my enthusiasm, I genially greeted my fellow maids. Tony—of anal fame—shot me a quick wink when the under-butler turned his back. Other than Louisa, who sat next to me, I had no other friends among the staff. It was not a complaint, simply an observation that my training allowed little time to socialize. The oatmeal was filling the bacon crisp and all present bowed their heads for grace. I was content.

You can go to this page which has links to all the complete previous chapters.

3 thoughts on “The Bumhampton Chronicles: Chapter 8 (Part 3)

  1. Ina Morata July 15, 2017 / 9:16 am

    Such dichotomy in the tone of this piece. Do I sense some underlying internal discomfort in Ruby that she’s yet to admit to herself? ‘Content’ feels like a loaded word here.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lurvspanking July 15, 2017 / 4:25 pm

      I think, mind you Ruby is close mouthed at this point, the prior day has yet to catch up to her. The ‘content’ can quickly turn to ‘contretemps’. The plot—and the oatmeal—thickens: By Dickens.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ina Morata July 15, 2017 / 4:42 pm

        Dickens?! Oh boy… 🙄 Still, I’ll let you off – Bumhampton is terribly Dickensian in its serialised structure. Newspapers…blogs…all ways of finding your readership.


Spank you very much