A Free Offer and a Poetry Surprise

Welcome my spanko friends. First of all, I’d like to thank all of you who commented on my post last December and offered condolences for my wife’s death. It’s has been three months now and I am coping okay. This past weekend I went down to Sanibel Island, Florida to scatter some of her ashes on the beach where we vacationed this past August. Today, March 1st, is her birthday and I wrote a poem for her. I posted it along with pictures on my blog.

Not this one. No, not that one either.
Not a blog that any of you know about, well, with two exceptions.
Before I get into that, y’all need a bit of history. So kick back, relax in your leggings/fleece/flannel or nothing at all, while I try to wrap this up in under a thousand words. đŸ˜‰

I started blogging in 2006 focusing on women’s rights, abuse, rape, mental health; all the negative things that happen in our societies worldwide. I wanted to shine the light on abhorrent behavior through ‘Truth is Freedom’. I gradually built an audience, started posting poems and fiction as well as essays, and found myself posting every single day. In fact, I kept a 30-day buffer of completed daily posts so that I had time to write my first novel at work. But I consider myself a poet first and foremost. A fiction writer second. And I’m a damn good poet.

1. The first blog. 02/2006 to 02/2012. 450 posts. Now private because I was getting thousands of spam comments every day.
2. The next blog. 09/2006 to 02/2012. 130 posts. Public but not mine.*
3. The next blog. 10/2006 to 02/2012. 007 posts. Now private. Contains most of my poetry at 1000+ poems in seven folders.
4. The next blog. 07/2009 to 01/2017. 020 posts. Public but not mine.*
5. The next blog. 09/2009 to present. 620 posts. This very spanking blog you are reading.
6. The next blog. 07/2010 to 01/2012. 013 posts. Now private. About my poly phase.
7. The next blog. 07/2016 to present. 580 posts. Public, under my real first name, with poetry and fiction.
8. The next blog. 05/2017 to present. 030 posts. Public as Byron Cane, erotica author.

As you can see, I’ve been blogging for 15 years – with many breaks – but have kept my fictional spanking life walled off from my real life. Until now.

*This is the exception. The two starred* blogs don’t belong to me, but her, Dewy Knickers, who also blogs as Bawdy Wench, who is Rose, who is part of us as multiple personalities. She’s not linking, but will see how it goes with me first. She is on the poetry blog however if you dig on the sidebar. She wants you to have to work to find her and her book.

And as an aside, I’m proud to be a multiple personality, and damn proud of Rose. She’s fucking amazing, as a writer, a poet, a woman and as my friend.

And we could fucking care less about trolls… other than diced and fried for breakfast.

The poem is “My Wife’s Ashes’ and is posted on my other writing blog, There Are More Poets Than Stars in The Firmament. Please click the highlighted title of the poem and you will be taken to the post. If you feel moved to comment, but don’t want to link your D/s blog to my vanilla blog, then feel free to comment on this post instead. Thank you and please take some time if you can to explore my other writing. There are quick link pages at the top of the blog and categories in the sidebar.

Now to the FREE OFFER!!!!
Well, it’s not here. Not there.
It’s right here instead..

Happy Reading my spanko friends.

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay strong.

4 thoughts on “A Free Offer and a Poetry Surprise

  1. collaredmichael March 19, 2021 / 4:50 pm

    I also want to send condolences. Stay safe.


Spank you very much