Black [and Blue] Friday

Flash Fiction Friday #14 is hosted by Measha this week based on this picture here.

She tried to hide the gifts. It was Christmas after all. She forgot the receipts. He found them. He ordered her into the studio. She waited for him to make music on her bottom. When he was done he would use her bottom in another way for as many seconds as she had charged dollars on her credit card. It was going to be a very long hour of reaming. He hoped she’d learn this time, but honestly, whipping and sodomizing his girlfriend was the best gift she could ever give him. Her tears tickled the ivories.

9 thoughts on “Black [and Blue] Friday

  1. lurvspanking November 27, 2009 / 7:25 pm

    Black Friday traditionally means the day when retailers begin to make money for the fiscal year.

    As a shopping day, Black Friday only ranks fifth or sixth in terms of sales volume.



  2. KayLynn November 27, 2009 / 10:48 pm

    Ah… yeah… that would curb my spending! !


  3. Luna November 28, 2009 / 2:13 am

    Happy FFF, LS! I see you’ve skirted the rules this week, but a lovely contribution nonetheless. 😉


  4. Ronnie November 28, 2009 / 11:16 am

    I think that certainly would make me think about over spending this Christmas.

    Lovely FFF.



  5. paul1510 November 28, 2009 / 7:03 pm

    LS, nice one dear girl, love this line. “Her tears tickled the ivories.” 😀
    Warm hugs,


Spank you very much