The naughty fairy captured by a swamp troll

An erotic fairy tale told in three parts.

Heather didn’t mean to be naughty, but being spawned under the full moon on a leap year had caused her to grow slower than the other fairies. Here it was, her fifth birthday [even though she was really twenty years old] and still everyone treated her like a mugwump. Not fair! All the other girls were finding their mates, lots and lots of mates morning noon and night and yet Heather had nobody. Fine, she’d show them all. Two weeks before the leap day, when all the other fairies were sleeping off the effects of the latest orgy, Heather flew slowly and carefully away from the enchanted meadow and into the Screaming Swamp. She’d been warned that the swamp was dangerous and that naughty fairies went in but they never came out.

Click each link below to read each chapter.

The naughty fairy captured by a swamp troll: Part 1
The naughty fairy captured by a swamp troll: Part 2
The naughty fairy captured by a swamp troll: Part 3