If at first you don’t succeed…

An adult story about spanking and sex and very bad words, read with caution.

Try as she might, Brandy could not entice Daryl into spanking her. Short shorts pulled tight, flirty miniskirts flying up in the breeze, skintight jeans molded to her curves, nothing worked. Oh he would flip up the skirt or yank down her shorts quick enough, but aside from some token slaps – psyching himself up, being manly and all that- he’d just shove his seven inch cock in her cunt and fuck her senseless. Sometimes, if she was lucky, he’d use her ass instead and once in a fucking blue moon she’d get really lucky when after reaming her out good, he’d end up cumming in her mouth. So yes, Daryl was kinky, but on his own terms. He watched too much porn, drank too much beer, watched way too much football and generally was a pain in the ass like all men are. His one redeeming quality was his large hands and the way he looked at her when she pissed him off. OK, that’s two redeeming qualities but since he never acted on the ‘I’m gonna whip your ass until I can cook bacon on it stare’ it doesn’t count. So ladies, what does it take to get your man to spank you?

2 thoughts on “If at first you don’t succeed…

Spank you very much